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No, I’m not writing about butter, but something phonetically close, BTR.

In the past, I’ve written about how the NSA is collecting almost everything it can, legally or otherwise to either review what you are doing now or in the past. Even if what you do is encrypted and they can’t read the cipher today, now they’ll store it forever for when they can. They will keep trying.

You can read some of the articles here and here.

So what is BTR, pronounced butter? It’s a file system. Being an expert in big data storage specializing in the Z file system known as ZFS, I am always following the tech news about what is coming along. And as a finally stable, that product is Oracle’s BTrFS, the BTree File System. Phonetically, the Butter File System.

I won’t bother you with dull technical details but I will say that once it’s fully implemented it will almost certainly run circles around ZFS.

Oracle bought ZFS from Sun Microsystems some time ago. It’s problem was that it didn’t work natively with Linux and big iron, mainframes.

Yes, they still exist and are far better than when “mainframes” were the common way of manipulating data back in the 70’s and 80’s.

As you can read in the articles, I believe that the NSA uses ZFS as it has an enormous capacity of storing data, far beyond what was known before and actively developed until now. So watch out for butter. Everything you do will be logged and stored forever.

Your dossier will be automatically compiled until one day it will have enough information, that if law enforcement wants to get you it will.

This is like a ring fence that’s being built around the American public. As it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind. By the time the public will see the fence it will be too late.

J. Edgar Hoover would have been both jealous and proud. He could only establish dossiers on a few people. The NSA can have one on everyone. This is not paranoia, this is technical fact.

You may say that you have a constitutional right to privacy. Our politicians in Washington agree with you, at least when they give speeches. Anything to keep the public passive and squabbling among themselves.

Say what you want, butter is here to spread.